Sign up to Sponsor a Community Cat’s Spay/Neuter!
We offer our TNR services free of charge to community caretakers in need. While we try our best to fundraise to cover the cost of spay/neuters and medical needed for these cats and some caretakers are able/willing to donate as well, we still have a great need for help with our TNR endeavors. The vetting cost for community cats is a big challenge, especially when cats are injured or need more than your basic vetting.
How does the community cat sponsorship work?
- Send a donation to cover the cost of community cat(s) to CVRR (add note “TNR – cat sponsor); it costs us $25-50 for the standard TNR (spay/neuter, rabies + eartip).
- Send us an email to tnr.cvrr@gmail.com with your name and the amount of cats you sent a sponsorship for (or if you prefer to remain anonymous you can).
- We will send you a picture of the cat(s) you sponsored and helped change their lives!