- What is a Community Cat?
- What is a "Feral" Cat?
Feral is a behavioral characteristic, which can describe cats that are not socialized & fearful of people. Feral, stray, and pet cats all belong to the same species.
- Where do all these Cats come from?
A female cat can produce over 100 kittens in her lifetime. When those kittens are born outdoors or abandoned, they will either become community cats, end up at a shelter, or will not survive. Female cats can go into heat as early as 3-4 months old – this means that an unspayed, female kitten could become pregnant at 12 weeks old. Littermates can & will mate with one another. And, female cats can become pregnant while still lactating from a previous litter of kittens.

Feral and stray cats are the #1 source of cat overpopulation in the U.S.
According to the Humane Society of the United States,
it’s estimated that less than 3% of community cats are spayed/neutered.

- Be Part of the Solution
Help the cat overpopulation crisis by spaying/neutering your cat(s) by 4 months of age.
If that’s not possible, then please keep any cats that haven’t been spayed/neutered indoors, and away from other intact cats.

If you feed them, fix them – we can help!