Sign up to send a monthly supply of food to a colony caretaker in need!
Many local cat colonies are fed by compassionate individuals out of the kindness of their hearts, and many will feed the cats before feeding themselves. Our TNR program helps supply colony caretakers with food when we are able, but since donations can be unreliable at times, we also have a program to help provide sponsorships for colony caretakers that are most in need – that’s where you come in!
How does the colony sponsorship program work?
- Send us an email ~ tnr.cvrr@gmail.com
- Tell us an amount you are comfortable spending monthly for cat food ($25 recommended).
- We will line you up with a caretaker in need where the cats have been TNR’d and help you set up either: (a) an autoship food order directly to the caretaker, or (b) sending CVRR a monthly monetary donation for the food which we then order & ship to the caretaker.
- We will provide you with pictures of the kitties you are helping to feed 🙂
Alternative Options
- Donate food to CVRR to help feed cat colonies.
- Donate money to help CVRR help feed cat colonies (add note “TNR – food”).
- Email us to learn about more ways you can help our TNR program!