Remember our social experiment?
“After business is done and the world has been conquered, a bit of silliness generally ensues after board meetings. In this case, we were picking on our dearly adored and youngest board member and her (throat clear) *creative naming…. Kids these days and their wild ideas. ??
We were discussing how, as silly as it sounds, by choosing a common and “pretty sounding” name that rolls off the lips, a dog can actually be chosen for adoption faster than a more uniquely titled canine. People connect to names….even if they plan to change them after adoption anyway. After a bit of playful jousting across the boardroom table, I bet her (a million billion dollars I think) that I can change the name of one of my foster dogs who has been overlooked and land him an awesome home, simply by changing his name. Call it a bit of a social experiment. And just like that….stitch has thusly been transformed into the very common and ordinary SAM!
He is still just as flawless and perfect as he was 20 minutes ago. He is FUN! He is SOCIAL! He is HOUSE BROKEN and adores his crate (or your lap on the sofa) the only difference is that on 18 adoption sites he just became Sweet Sam!!!!
Let the games begin. May the odds be ever in MY favor. ?????????????”
Now I am 34 so it would be a little childish for me to say “nanny- nanny- boo boo” but I may nod and smirk a bit in the general direction of a certain very stubborn but lovable young volunteer. AMAZING app within a week and this morning…. Adopted!!!!!!
Of course as soon as I met them I explained all about our silly little social experiment, and they said that “Stitch” suited his personality! But if being SAM for a week caught their attention, made them connect for a moment and click to learn more about my amazing and totally overlooked little buddy…well, then that’s a little marketing that I am ok with 🙂
Regardless of the “how” he was discovered, I am grateful…. So grateful that today is the first day of the rest of his life. That he has a family now that will love him forever. That after over a year in foster care, someone has finally noticed what an absolute GEM he is. Will I miss him? For a year he has greeted me….dancing and smiling. For a year he has been the companion to my toddler….the playmate of my dogs…. My silly little friend. So will I miss him? Sure. He will always have a piece of my heart, but I freely and happily watch it leave because today, he gets the life that he absolutely deserves. I rejoice for him. Today is the first day of an amazing life. Good luck little buddy! I’m so glad to have known you.