My first trip to a shelter was full of trepidation. How would I feel walking away with all those soulful eyes glued to me….knowing that they must wonder why they have been left and what they did that was so wrong? While there have been some faces that made my heart ache to leave, my visits have become less heart wrenching as I have gotten to know the shelter volunteers over the years.
The fastest sure fire way to see the true depth of my red head temper is to bad mouth “kill” shelters and the people who fight for those animals day in and day out. Not only is what they do unbelievable hard, but they do so all the while being viewed as villains by the general public. One of my dearest friends is a volunteer with Amherst Humane Society (who do not euthanize for space, but work out of the same building, and closely with animal control which does). Even after over a decade of volunteer work, she still has more fight and compassion in her little finger than most people have in their whole body. Today she mentioned this little old senior boxer who was surrendered….. How he was inconsolable by the volunteers and staff… pacing and whining. Most people are home enjoying diner with their minds and souls relaxed and she…and volunteers like her….are still on overdrive, haunted by those left in cages, wishing the world could be a better place and doing everything in their power to MAKE it that way.
I can’t take every animal into foster care, but maybe I can find a home for this ONE. Maybe we can all work together to make this one life better….and maybe shed some light and education so that this TOTALLY full shelter can see some relief.
May this night be the last night he is alone.