Twirl into an evening of elegance where animal rescue meets the magic and splendor of the black and white ball. Hosted at Tresca on 8th in partnership with The Animal Emergency Clinic and Critical Care, glamorous and compassionate animal lovers will enjoy cocktails, hot h’dourves, dancing, door prizes & silent auction. February 25, 2017, 7 p.m. at Tresca on 8th, 724 … [Read more...]
A Social Experiment
Remember our social experiment? "After business is done and the world has been conquered, a bit of silliness generally ensues after board meetings. In this case, we were picking on our dearly adored and youngest board member and her (throat clear) *creative naming.... Kids these days and their wild ideas. ?? We were discussing how, as silly as it sounds, by choosing a … [Read more...]
Give Me a Chance, I Think You Might Like Me!
I went to story time at the library today with my one year old son. While I thought maybe Charlie and I MIGHT make friends there today I'm afraid I was THAT mom. While trying to get my son and I ready I found out story time was starting earlier than I had thought. So I just threw on the clothes from the dryer that had not dried yet, really they were there first pants and shirt … [Read more...]
Education Equals Change
I'm a firm believer in being a voice, a firm loud voice if need be, for those who cannot defend themselves. In the rescue world you will find some of the most vocal, assertive, opinionated, and loyal people, you'll ever meet. You'll also find that we can also be a little crazy :). It comes with the territory. But all those things we have to be. We have to be relentless to see … [Read more...]
Adopting a Puppy is Like Getting Married
Adopting a puppy is kind of like getting married. A young couple on cloud nine, dressed to the nines and staring lovingly into one another's eyes as they take their vows...They aren't thinking of the spats over his inability to put socks in the hamper, or how they will grow and change as time goes on. When you pick up that little fluffy puppy...your heart nearly bursting as he … [Read more...]