Bill Supporting TNR in VA – SB 1390
Bill Supporting TNR in VA - SB 1390 SB 1390, also known as the "TNR bill," recently passed the Virginia Senate on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, 2021. Now the bill will advance to the Virginia House where it will be facing a vote. What does SB 1390 do? Allows public or private animal shelters, releasing agencies, or hospitals or clinics the option to operate a Trap-Neuter-Return … [Read more...]
Crafters Helping Animals – Auction Benefitting CVRR
Crafters Helping Animals - Auction for CVRR In case you haven’t heard, CVRR was selected to be the recipients of all proceeds from the next auction at Crafters Helping Animals. If you are a crafter or willing to submit an item in the auction, simply submit a picture and description of the item into the album on their page. That’s it!! Then wait for us … [Read more...]
Newspaper & Fleece Blankets
We are in need of newspapers and fleece blankets for our TNR Program! The first week of February is Feral Week, where we hope to trap-neuter-return a large number of cats, but we need your help with supplies. Our most dire need right now is newspapers that we use to line the traps and fleece blankets that we use to cover the traps and keep cats calm. The perfect size fleece … [Read more...]
TNR Tuesdays
Help support our TNR program AND enter a chance to win some pretty cool stuff! Introducing... TNR TUESDAYS! Every Tuesday, we will post new items for raffle on our Facebook page. Comment with the tickets you wish to purchase and you will entered for a chance to win. Donate the ticket money via PayPal or Venmo (@CVR_Rescue), and the winner will be drawn once all tickets have … [Read more...]