Hello! My name is Dani Tyree. I am married to Reggie and we have 3 great kids- Riley, Even & Jonas.
We also share our home with a Mastiff (Mabel) and 3 Pugs (Olive, Amelia, & Maslow) and, hopefully soon, some chickens. I am a licensed veterinary technician and currently work at Animal Emergency & Critical Care in Lynchburg- where I have been for 12 years. I started volunteering at animal clinics when I was 12 years old and just never stopped! In high school I trained and showed dogs in agility and obedience. I love all dogs but have a penchant for the particularly lazy and snuggly.
Brother was pretty much a feral puppy- born on a farm and humanely trapped to avoid the harsh winter. When I got him he was painfully shy. He would not make eye contact or come near me. Not a mean bone in his body- just never socialized. It took many months to help him realize that people were good and fun. My Mastiff was his role model and he loved her instantly. She showed him the ropes. Brother was adopted to a wonderful family but it was very hard to let him go. There is no one that knows a dog as well as its foster family. They have invested time and patience and truly know what the best home is for that particular dog. Fosters want their dogs to succeed and be permanent pets. They will never set them up for failure or rush into a situation. Until I was a foster, I did not truly understand this. I hope to educate people that adopting dogs via foster homes is the BEST way to go.