Faith is a funny thing. Not knowing the end of the story but trusting that the author would never lead you astray. I have always found people who lack it to be a little sad….and I don’t mean just spiritually and religiously…I mean faith in karma…life….humanity… In one another. This rescue is based on that mutual faith.
As the “leader” I think it’s the natural assumption that our strength as a rescue community comes from the volunteers faith in me….that I wouldnever dive into shark infested waters without making sure it was first safe for them….but the heartfelt truth of it all, is that my bravery to plummet head first into the waters unknown comes my faith in them….that should sharks be there to greet me, when I look to my left and look to my right, there they will be. Fighting right beside me. Because the honest truth is I don’t know the first thing about business. I am a dreamer not a corporate suit…but amongst this family is brilliance in every form. Writers, dreamers, artists, computer nerds, science geeks, businessmen. 52 volunteers….Talented minds in virtually every field. So although I may not know how the story ends…I know I am going to have one hell of a great time writing it. And I know that with friends like these, my faith will never waiver.
Pictured is my daughter Juliet and one of our rescue dogs “ravioli”. She is our youngest volunteer and the “president of poop”
Have a good night friends. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring.