There are many ways you can make a difference & help animals in need. As a volunteer-based organization, we rely on our volunteers for day-to-day operations. There are many simple tasks as well as more skill-based roles. You can volunteer as little or as much time that works for your schedule & lifestyle. The first step is to fill out a volunteer application.
Since we don’t have a physical facility, all of our animals live in foster homes. Why do we prefer foster homes? In a home environment, we’re able to personally get to know each animal: how they are with kids, other pets, crate training, what they like or don’t like.
Some animals are so nervous in shelters that the general public would never get the opportunity to see what an amazing animal they are. Fostering allows an animal to live as family while they wait for their forever home. We most commonly need foster homes for kittens, puppies, cats & dogs, but we do sometimes need foster homes for other furry critters as well (i.e. rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, etc.).
We provide all the supplies and medical care, all you have to do is provide a loving home. We rely greatly on our fosters in order to continue saving animals. The more fosters we have, the more animals we can intake and find homes for. We pull animals from local, overcrowded shelters. We intake stray cats and kittens from the streets. We intake owner surrenders. The possibilities of animals to foster is endless. We receive requests almost daily to intake more animals, and with new fosters, we can.
Help save kittens and improve the lives of cats who are left behind, dumped, abandoned, unowned, or born to a life on the streets. Our TNR program is dedicated to cat and kitten rescue, working tirelessly to relieve the suffering of homeless, abandoned, or mistreated felines through TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) to prevent unwanted births in feral colonies & to reduce the unowned cat population.
We need volunteers for the many different aspects of TNR. We need trappers, people to transport cats to & from the vet, people to help out with feeding, monitoring, & maintaining cat colonies, people to scout new locations or communicate with colony caretakers. We are also always in need of volunteers for fundraising, community outreach, & grant applications.
Help dogs in the community experience a life off of a chain. Our Unleashed program is dedicated to relieve dogs from a chained life or life inside a small kennel. We need volunteers to help build fences for dogs in need.
We have several large, annual events that we need volunteers for in order to be successful. The annual Ties & Tails Gala is our biggest event and requires volunteers for many different areas. Our other annual events include Strut Your Mutt and Rescue Fest.
Volunteers are also needed to help with adoption events, booths at community events, and other event opportunities. This is a great way to get involved without committing to a regular schedule.
More Volunteer Opportunities
We like to thank our generous business partners regularly by baking or providing them with goodies. Our volunteers deliver bought or homemade treats to several businesses around town.
We often need volunteers for transport, whether it’s picking up animals from shelters & bringing them to foster homes or dropping off animals for veterinary care.
Are you unable to foster an animal in your home but want to help animals in need to find amazing homes? Virtual fostering may be the perfect thing for you! As a virtual foster, you will be the main point-of-contact for an owner that is rehoming an animal. Being a virtual foster involves gathering information about the animal, pictures, vetting information, writing their online bio, helping promote them for adoption, and connecting the owner with approved applicants.
Some animals that come into our care require special foster homes. They may have suffered abuse, neglect, trauma or simply have a lack of socialization. Whatever the case may be, these animals require patience, dedication, and special attention.
As an independent non-profit with no paid employees, we rely entirely on fundraising & donations.
To expand our work & help more animals, we often rely on funding from grants. We need volunteers willing to learn, or have experience with, writing & applying for grants.
Help get the word out about CVRR’s adoption, fostering, & volunteer programs. This can be as narrow or broad as you would like.
We are always in need of photographers for taking pictures of our adoptable animals.
Are you unable to foster but still want to help CVRR animals? Volunteer to help clean our public adoption cages where we place adoptable cats & kittens! This is a simple and easy way to help – and the cats really appreciate it.
Help match potential adopters with animals. This can include screening & reviewing applications, educating adopters to ensure a smooth transition, or even assisting with coordinating adoptions.
There is lots of paperwork, data entry, and other various tasks that we rely on volunteers for.