Sometimes the retriever doesn’t retrieve, the family lab bites the neighbors kid, and the collie doesn’t care if Timmy fell in the well.
I am here to talk about breed based stereotypes.
As a vet tech I hear it all the time and it makes me cringe…a family had a golden and he was flawless…never chewed ….probably pooped out nutritious meals for the hungry and in need.
Now they have the NEW golden. He didn’t read the breed book!! Shame on him.
He ignores the kids in favor of slobbering on the cat, he doesn’t give two craps about their food lure for training, and he really just wants to spend his days chasing his tail and systematically devouring all the legs off the new dinning room table.
This dog may be gold in color and have super floppy ears, but he is nothing like the internet says he is supposed to be!!!
He is himself. And the sooner the family accepts that, the sooner they can fall in love with who he IS.
It’s as if owners expect the formula to be as simple as a cake mix. Two parts flower, some sugar, and egg and BAM! Cake!!
My sisters and I all have genes from the same mom and dad and yet we could not have ended up more different. Yes, we all three may LOOK like a golden but Kim is a basset, April has the heart of spaniel and I am 100 percent border collie.
I have said it a million times….when I die I want it etched on my tombstone….ok probably not, but seriously. Stop getting stuck on the stereotypes. Judge a dog NOT on his breed, but by the content of HIS character.
Love or hate…..adopt or pass him by based solely on who he is …..Not on what he is SUPPOSED to be.
Bully breeds so frequently fall victim to stereotypes.
How many APBs die in shelters because they have a bad reputation???? The truth is that so many make amazing family Dog!!
Here’s something to think about. In 2012, 23 people in the US died of a pitbull attack. Might sounds bad but consider this….
6,000 people die from texting and driving.
Hippos slay 2,900 people annually in Africa.
Falling out of bed kills 450 people.
Death by icicle is the sad ending to the lives of 100 very unlucky people annually.
Ok how about this perspective….61 percent of fatal bites are from APB’s. That’s a fact. Of course they are also the breed most broadly abused, neglected, under socialized, chained, left unneutered, and owned by those with a criminal history. Probably not a coincidence.
And let’s keep numbers in prospective….
92 percent of the homicides and violent crimes in 2012 were committed by MEN. Does that mean all men are villains? Killers? Murderers? I think not.
Stereo types hurt…. They may deprive you of your canine soul mate. They lead you to be blind….. To see only the APBs huge head and miss his equally gigantic heart.
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity” -Marian Luther King