Who are we?
There are some events in our lives so monumental that they are destined to change us at the core. For better or worse is the only unknown variable. To harden your heart or make it more open and vulnerable… To allow that change to be a lesson in endurance or an excuse to sit down and cry. It’s said that the same water that hardens the egg, softens the potato.
I have always wanted a house full of wild, creative children who leave a trail of laugher and shenanigans in their wake. The discovery that my endometriosis would not allow for the family I wanted or the plan I had always envisioned wasn’t an immediate and crushing blow. I am kind of an unsinkable optimist, so I pushed through and fought to count my blessings as I was raised to do.
But over time, it was kind of like a balloon being deflated….as each of my “build a family”‘ideas hit road blocks, a wisp of air escaped here and there. Five or so years ago I had this moment where I looked at myself and realized that little by little, I had allowed my balloon to go a bit flat. This was not me. I was no flat balloon. I decided it was time to fill that balloon with something else… Rescue work became my helium.
Through service, my heart began to heal and I discovered that buried under my trade mark sarcasm and class clown exterior, I didn’t make a half bad leader….and some where along the way, rescuing dogs became more than just something to fill the void.
I was at peace with my life…and with that new found peace, I found the strength to try just one more route to “family”. The bravery to gamble my heart one last time. With the brilliance of science, a lot of money, and an egg donor I will never know or be able to thank, my foster dogs got the addition of a human sister. She will be one year old next Sunday.
As a mother my love if rescue didn’t stumble or seize. It grew. Now not only do I serve for the animals and their future families, but I serve to show my child that our hearts were MADE to serve. That we exist in this life to build things up… Not tear them down.
Why am I telling you this? Because I believe that the motivation to build an amazing rescue…to really give this community and it’s animals what they need will never start in the heart of someone who builds for profit. Because sometimes you have to look back to really know what’s ahead.
I am here, and my volunteers are all here because we believe in what we do. Period.
Since we only have one animal currently in our rescue (and I will introduce her tonight), this is a great time to get to know the team. So may this be the first of many introductions. Hi. My name is Laura Linn and I look forward to serving this community.
Remember that we are just a baby in FB world. If you believe in what we do, the best way to help us succeed is to share what we post and encourage family and friends to “like and follow” us. Thank you.