Soon we will be officially entering the Christmas season and before long we will be inundated with phone calls and emails asking about our Christmas specials. What are they? Can we accommodate the delivery of a fluffy little bundle as a surprise for your girlfriend? Do they arrive with bows from Santa for your two year old?
At the risk of breaking some hearts, here we go. NO. Just NO.
We don’t have Christmas sales because we don’t support the sale of animals as gifts. In fact, we can’t think of a WORSE time to add a pet to your family. Traveling, disrupted schedules, louder than average chaos, guests in and out, families all running in separate directions….no one watching the puppy while he helps himself to your leftover turkey tetrazzini and washes it down with some tasty tree water.
Why not pick a time when HE is what you are celebrating.
One of the highest months for shelter intakes is March. Why? Because that’s what happens when you give a gift that makes excrement and has no regard for expensive shoes. When they aren’t wanted to begin with, people have a tendency to have limited forgiveness once the cute factor is gone.
Do us all a favor and buy your girlfriend a scarf instead. No…don’t do that. It’s a terrible gift to receive from your partner. Or at least if you do, don’t tell them we suggested it.
All that aside, if you are in the MARKET for a puppy, these little monsters will be available in two week and can be well settled in your home before Christmas!
Below is Tucker and he doesn’t want a home just for this Christmas but ALL Christmases for his life along with all the other holidays. —Kalea